I have an unusual task for you all this time Champions! It shall be an treacherous challenge filled with Trolls, Giants and.... Gnomes?
Firstly, you must defeat 350 Giants, such as cyclopes, etc, from.. cyclops lane for example! And this will earn you an awesome "Blood of Giants" Badge! But there is a twist! Gnomes!!
Then just take a screenshot or printscreen of your character wearing the badge, with your name and the badge showing, clearly standing next to a Gnome in your dorm, house, land or garden!
Then post your entries here: http://my.diaryofawizard.com/group/ambrose2zeke/forum/topics/a2z-champions-contest-round-5
The winner will be chosen at random out of all entries using a random number generator.( This is round 5 of A2Z Champions, entries must be in by Midnight January 27th )
So why enter:
You could...
- Be placed in the A2ZC HALL OF FAME forever!
- Get your own special A2Z Title
eg. Gobbliterator - for winning the Gobbler Challenge
- Get a portrait of you character drawn by John Spiritshade
In the style of A2Z Characters eg. Merlistaire, Lady Blackhope etc.
- Get 1 Random WizardBlox Code
Then there will be a Seventh and final Contest,
which will decide the one true A2Z Champion of 2010.
( If you have completed and entered all 6 challenges, then that will give you much greater standing in winning the final challenge. The current challenge is the FIFTH challenge. )
Have a bash in the spiral!
Why Psychopaths... erm, gnomes?