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Saturday 25 June 2011

2nd Annual Ravenwood Ball - Tonight! Remember last year?

DiaryOfAWizard.com's 2nd Annual Ravenwood Ball is tonight at 6pm Central time, Vampire Area 1, in Ravenwood! The crowds are already beginning to gather around Bartleby, so be sure to come and join the fun in your best attire, and prepare for an evening of fun and magic!

Here is how it looked last year!

If you see John SpiritShade, feel free to say hello, and also be sure to keep an eye out for other characters from Ambrose2Zeke including Alyssa LifeHammer (with her Gobbler Gobbler Badge, and trusty piggle Winston), and even the evil villain Destiny (wielding her Umbra Blade, alongside her clumsy death troll Scooter)!!

Here is how the crowd is looking this year HOURS and HOURS before the event!

And the crowds are building as we speak!

See you there!

~John SpiritShade

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